It has been said that Christianity is only one generation away from becoming extinct. Because our world is becoming less Christian, this emphasizes the importance of the Generations campaign. This building project is aimed at the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our younger generation and their training in the faith that we hold so dear. It is imperative that we, the current generation, hand off our faith to the next generation (cf. Ps. 78:6). It is our responsibility to ensure that the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ does not die with us.
In our previous ministry in Ohio, we were apart of a similar campaign when our church purchased a vacant school and renovated it for our new worship facility. We knew the importance of “train[ing] up a child in the way he should go,” and we were eager to give to that project. God faithfully supplied the funds we had committed and we saw that project completed.
It was our previous experience that led us to be financially involved in FBC’s current Generations campaign. The lives of the newest generation need to know Jesus and His love. This can happen more effectively in a fresh and exciting environment; one which engages them in the Word of God through music, video and the technology that speaks to their generation. We are excited how God is including us to help make this happen.
Clark & Linda Helvey