The contractors continue to make great progress. Because of the delay in moving our electrical transformer, their work has shifted to the areas inside the building. Demolition activity for the new elevator is continuing. That work includes excavating a “pit” on the first floor which will have concrete footings to support the weight of the structure and four long steel columns. Demolition work is also continuing in the Kids Center area. With the ceiling grid removed, it is easy to visualize the height of that room which will feature an “open ceiling” look. The workers have begun removing walls and ceiling grids along the Saint Clair hallway. Once that demolition is completed, the new walls for the wider hallway will put in place. By accelerating the inside work, we expect minimal impact on the overall project completion schedule.
The new waterline that supplies the fire sprinkler system will be installed starting October 12th. The pipe will be placed in a trench that will begin behind the Fellowship Hall, go across the parking lot, run along Saint Clair in the dirt area, and then cross the entrance to the Life Center for connection to the existing system. That work will take about 2 weeks, and members should expect some times that traffic in the parking lot will be redirected.
Each week we get closer to the time that this renovated facility will begin serving our church and community. Thank you to the people of FBC for your continued support and generosity to GENERATIONS.
Mike Kirk
Chairman- Trustees