
Mission and Vision

According to the Pew Research Center, the number of Americans checking “Christian” on surveys is diminishing 1% per year. If this trend continues, a child born today will graduate from high school in a nation where Christians are the minority.

Old churches are struggling all across the land, some closing their doors forever. Many young adults are ignoring or abandoning church and the Christian faith. If we join the line of churches looking for a safe and easy way to reverse this trend, we’ll miss our opportunity. The window is narrow, and won’t be open long. That’s why FBC is taking GENERATIONS seriously.

New Space

A church’s building reflects its priorities. For example, the type of space a church provides for children says a lot about how much they value the coming generations. The focus of the GENERATIONS campaign is to provide a wonderful space for children’s spiritual enrichment.

New Tomorrow

Our history has been written; our future has not. GENERATIONS is about securing a good future for young families and our congregation. As we often say, “Young adults need the church, and the church needs young adults.”

New World

With GENERATIONS, our goal is to join God in His mission to create a new world – a world where God’s spirit transforms growing numbers of lives. But this requires a strong base if we’re to positively impact our city and world. This campaign helps us lay that foundation for generations to come.

Generations Project

It will cost $7 million over the next three years to accomplish what God has called us to do to reach new families in our community in the coming generations. God has given us an opportunity to grow personally and physically into new space as a church. It’s going to take ALL of us honoring God with our time and gifts to accomplish this.

Growth is a noun to describe the act or process of growing, developing, or gradually increasing. Spiritual growth is the process we take as Christians to grow in our relationship with God. This relationship is developed by spending time in the presence of God, reading the Bible, praying, and increasing our willingness to serve and support our fellow believers and our local church. Walking this spiritual journey is a pilgrimage of discovery concerning God’s will for our lives and for the future of our church.

Giving cheerfully is part of our worship and is part of each believer’s journey of increasing faith and trust in God’s grace. The apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” These next three years and beyond are about realizing the vision of a new tomorrow that God has placed on our hearts and creating a place where God’s spirit transforms growing numbers of lives for generations to come.

GENERATIONS is an invitation to a NEW space, NEW tomorrow, NEW world.

Generations Campaign Lead Team

David & Amy Harbarger


Tom Houser

Advance Commitment Chair

Rebecca Dean

Special Events Chair

Debbie McDaniel

Communications Chair

Mike Kirk

Building Renovation Chair

Travis Collins

Visionary Leader

Jud Reasons

Campaign Director

Debbie Bell

Campaign Administrator

Ways You Can Give

For our church to reach its financial goal, we will need commitments in varying amounts. Please consider your commitment in proportion to your resources. These commitments are for 3 years, over and above your current giving.