Billie and I became members of Huntsville First Baptist Church in August 1991. We joined the Adult Choir immediately and a Sunday School Class. In a couple of years we were asked to teach the four-year olds. Having no children, we did not think we were qualified! Seeing them graduate from high school and become young adults years later was special to us. Through the following years Billie worked with Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), Bible School, Ed assisted with children’s choirs, and both of us working in Music Camps, has enhanced our lives and, hopefully, many children’s lives. GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Project speaks to more than taking care of children but nourishing their parents as well. A robust population of children is vital to the health of the whole church. A generation of members that joined our church during Huntsville’s booming growth of the sixties has now transitioned to the experienced adults of today. Having an area for children to be together, learn about God, and grow together strengthens the growing youth presence of our church. And not just with the facilities we are on the threshold of completing, but the Bible-based programs of Christian growth for all. Spending time with a young adult family at a church picnic years ago planted a seed that led us to teach in a newly created Sunday school class for young adults with young children, which became the LifeSpring class. We were blessed to see their children grow in Christ while their parents grew in leadership roles as workers, teachers, deacons, and trustees. The GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Project will further strengthen the church’s foundation with the connection of young adults and experienced adults for a rich multigenerational Christian experience. We are honored to support the GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Project and watch God’s work produce fruit. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'” — Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Billie and Ed Perkins