In January 2019 our entire congregation began learning about GENERATIONS, our plan for new spaces for our Children and Music Ministry areas. Families prayed, pledges were made, and on March 8, 2020, we learned $8,313,121 had been pledged towards the GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Project. To say it was an exciting day for all of us would be an understatement. Covid had recently made its presence known but it didn't stop our progress. On May 27, 2021, despite the rain, we were not deterred and our church family watched online as Travis and friends ceremoniously dug their shovels into the pavement!
Through the months you've seen the video and photographic progress. We moved into the Children's space earlier this year and now our Music Ministries suite is complete. You've welcomed new faces and learned stories of church members on our blog.
To celebrate the completion of these new spaces with you, we are hosting a GENERATIONS Open House on January 23 with guided tours, snacks and an opportunity for you to add a tile to a new mosaic we'll add to our campus.
Tours begin at 8:30am. We hope you will join us to see how your support of GENERATIONS has made a difference on our campus. You won't want to miss this opportunity.
Project Overview
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. Psalm 71:18
Ground Breaking
Watch our recorded live ground breaking event from May 27, 2020. It was an interactive event for the whole family!
A Word From Your Pastor
When all is said and done, I will look back on the invitation to be your pastor as one of the greatest joys of my life. One of the things I love about our church family is that it is one of multiple generations. Our theme for this capital campaign—GENERATIONS—celebrates that. This is an opportunity for us to link arms across generations, to close the proverbial generation gap, and do something together to make an impact on generations yet to be born.
A Word from Your Pastor
When all is said and done, I will look back on the invitation to be your pastor as one of the greatest joys of my life. One of the things I love about our church family is that it is one of multiple generations. Our theme for this capital campaign—GENERATIONS—celebrates that. This is an opportunity for us to link arms across generations, to close the proverbial generation gap, and do something together to make an impact on generations yet to be born.
What if, when people in Huntsville think about children, they were to think first about our church? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to overhear someone at Target talking about how much the folks at First Baptist Church Huntsville (FBC), really care about kids? Wouldn’t it be amazing to have young adults moving to North Alabama come join us because of our reputation for prioritizing little ones? And wouldn’t it be wonderful if our home base were so strong with multiple generations that God could use us to make a wide and eternal impact on countless people around us who are, to quote Ephesians 2:12, without hope and without God in the world?
This is our sixth church capital campaign, and Keri and I are making the biggest pledge we ever have made. We believe in this project and its importance for the present and future of the congregation we so deeply love. We also know the project is ambitious, and will require a prayerful, sacrificial spirit from all of us if it is going to happen. So I ask you to do your best, and not to decide too quickly about what your best is. Rather, let God’s Spirit guide you to the decision about what would be, to quote Oswald Chambers, your “utmost for His highest.”
Grateful to be…
Your Pastor,

A total of $8,313,121 has been pledged for the GENERATIONS project. Watch the grand reveal from First Fellowship and our Sanctuary Worship.
A Word From the Harbargers
This church is home for us. It’s been home to my family, my parents, and my mom’s parents. While I grew up in First Baptist, Amy did not. We moved to Huntsville from Birmingham after we married, and attended church here, but had planned to visit other churches too. Amy’s father died a few months after we’d been visiting, and FBC rallied around us. Six months later, we had our first son, and the rest is history. This church loved us through cradle roll, hand-sewn baby blankets, young adult Sunday school teachers, and home-cooked meals.
A Word from the Harbargers
This church is home for us. It’s been home to my family, my parents, and my mom’s parents. While I grew up in First Baptist, Amy did not. We moved to Huntsville from Birmingham after we married, and attended church here, but had planned to visit other churches too. Amy’s father died a few months after we’d been visiting, and FBC rallied around us. Six months later, we had our first son, and the rest is history. This church loved us through cradle roll, hand-sewn baby blankets, young adult Sunday school teachers, and home-cooked meals.
It’s one thing to grow up in a church, but another to raise your own family there. As an adult, I’ve been excited about the transformations that have taken place within the church of my youth. When I was growing up, the baby of six kids, my brothers and sister seemed to have a great time going to youth at FBC, and I always wanted to go. When it was finally my turn, the program wasn’t as strong. There really wasn’t a place we could call our own, and I think the youth program suffered as a result.
Fast forward about 30 years, when FBC began talks about a big renovation that included a dedicated youth space. When the Gathering Space/ Student Center renovation project began, I asked Jud for a spot on the building committee. Because of my own experience, I wanted to help create a better environment tailored for youth. I’m very proud of what we, as a church, accomplished in that renovation. As the father of three boys, I’m deeply appreciative for the sacrifices the church made. Our sons have gone through the youth program, and the third is currently involved. The staff and wonderful volunteers have made a tremendous impact on their lives, but I know that the youth center has allowed them a space to enhance that relationship. In my book, that’s money well spent.
I know GENERATIONS is going to make a significant impact, not just to FBC, but the whole community. During the week, Weekday Early Education (WEE) provides half-day and full-day children’s day care. Dependable child care is a huge service for working families in our city, and we do it with love and grace. This space needs to be updated to take us into the future – for our city. This is yet another reason we are the “Church at the Heart of the City.”
Our prayer for this GENERATIONS project is it will give the chance for all generations to call FBC their home.
For love of FBC and The Church,
David & Amy Harbarger

Ways You Can Give
For our church to reach its financial goal, we will need commitments in varying amounts. Please consider your commitment in proportion to your resources. These commitments are for 3 years, over and above your current giving.