Our sons were students who grew up in FBC. They did not experience children’s ministry here.
We don’t currently – nor do we anticipate – our grandchildren being directly involved in FBC
kids’ ministry. Anticipating our next few years’ pursuits, we are unlikely to have direct use of
either the children’s or music area renovations.
The blessings we receive from our involvement with the GENERATIONS ministry projects do
not depend upon direct benefits from using the renovated facilities. We wholeheartedly support
the GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Project for enhancing FBC’s opportunities to
touch lives with the love of Christ. Both ministry to children and their families and our
magnificent music ministries offer experiences of joy, involvement in worship and learning
about God, and tools with which to bless people with Christian community. Sherron and I
receive great blessings from seeing and hearing children, young families, and others laughing,
singing, and growing to know, love, and serve Christ together in facilities dedicated to those
GENERATIONS has been the most positive capital campaigns in a church we have ever been
part of. The spiritual dimension has been uplifting from the start. Places for service, different
ways to contribute and to have input into the project, and a vision for ministry that is healthfully
accessible to men and women, girls and boys, of all ages has been inspirational. The financial
success of the campaign has been a testimony to God’s generosity. Through support of
GENERATIONS we get to pool resources God has bestowed upon our community of faith so
that as we grow together in faithfulness we can expand invitations for children, young families,
people moved by the art of worship, and hosts of other groups and individuals to fall in love with
God and God’s children who gather here. We are blessed by our continued participation in the
GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Project. And words I often heard whenever someone
was baptized as I was growing up in the church, … “and yet there is room….” You, too, can be
blessed by participating in GENERATIONS.
Ed & Sherron Culpepper