Art and I joined First Baptist as a newly married couple in 1985. We were looking for a church home that would provide spiritual encouragement for our marriage and later help us teach our children about God’s plan through his Son, Jesus Christ. As our children came along, First Baptist gave us resources and help us spiritually train our children in the Way they should go starting with Cradle Roll, Sunday School, Children’s choir, Missions and Bible Drill. These programs were helpful but it was also important that we invested our time too. We taught Children’s SS, Choir and Missions (GA’s & RAs) to be participants in their spiritual training as well as other children.
At every step of their growth, First Baptist dedicated their efforts and resources to instill in future generations faith, hope and love. Our children are grown and now we have a grandson who attends Mother’s Morning Out at First Baptist. It is our hope that wherever our grandchildren are raised, they will have the same spiritual resources to be taught the same Way to everlasting life. It is important for all of us to be invested in this effort, whether teaching or giving financially. The GENERATIONS Building and Renovation Campaign is our fourth or fifth building campaign. But, this campaign may the most important one because its fruits will be evident in future generations. So as older FBC members now, it became an imperative to invest financially in the Generations campaign.
Art & Becky Caneer